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Rate My HR System
Unlock your HR potential with our quick and easy Rating System

Unlocking your HR systems can be scary so we've developed this quick and easy rating system to;

Give you the courage to face it head on |  Understand where your downfalls are and;  | Give you the knowledge to grow and make it better | 

  • Give you the courage to face it head on  
  • Understand where your downfalls are and;  
  • Give you the knowledge to grow and make it better  
1. Our employee onboarding process is;

Documented | Used | Electronic or Automated | Reviewed regularly (or as required)  

2. Our employee induction process is;

Documented | Used | Electronic / Automated | Reviewed regularly (Or as required)

3. Our employee training process is;

Documented | Used | Electronic / Automated | Reviewed regularly (Or as required)

4. Our employee manual / handbook is;

Documented | Used / Acknowledged / Signed off | Electronic / Automated | Reviewed regularly (Or as required)

5. Our Position Descriptions are;

Documented | Acknowledged / Signed off | Electronic / Automated | Reviewed regularly (Or as required)

6. Our HR Policies are;

Documented | Acknowledged / Signed off | Electronic / Automated | Reviewed regularly (Or as required)

7. Our HR Procedures (Leave, Performance Management etc) are;

Documented | Acknowledged / Signed off | Electronic / Automated | Reviewed regularly (Or as required)

8. Our Employee Qualifications (Drivers Licence, Work rights, Industry specific etc) are;

Documented | Electronic / Automated (Expiry Notifications etc) | Reviewed regularly (Or as required) | Updated when required

9. I am well aware of MY responsibilities to my employees as a Business Owner / Manager.

10. My Employees are well aware of their responsibilities, duties and KPI's.